
I [bɔːl] n
бал, танцы

They are giving a big ball at the Embassy tonight. — Сегодня вечером в посольстве большой бал.

We were really having a ball at your party. — Нам было очень весело на вашем вечере

- fine ball
- masked ball
- final ball
- country ball
- ball gown
- ball room
- ball-book
- invitation for a ball
- give a ball
- give a ball for smb
- invite smb to a ball
- go to a ball
- meet smb at the ball
- dress for a ball
- arrange a ball
- throw a ball
- open the ball
- have a ball
- dance at a ball
II [bɔːl] n
клубок, ком, мяч, шар, шарик, ядро, пуля

The ball was stuck in the tree (on the roof). — Мяч застрял на дереве (на крыше).

He had a blister on the ball of his foot. — У него на подушечке ступни образовался волдырь.

When we had our meeting our director started the ball rolling by saying that the organization had made a large profit this year. — На нашем собрании директор начал дискуссию, сказав, что организация за этот год получила большую прибыль

- big ball
- hollow ball
- tennis ball
- rubber ball
- golf ball
- billiard ball
- croquet ball
- hockeyball
- hockey ball
- good ball
- stray ball
- playing ball
- punching ball
- wrecking ball
- adopted ball
- meat balls
- cotton ball
- moth balls
- signal ball
- sling ball
- cannon ball
- ball boy
- ball and chain
- ball lightning
- ball of wool
- ball of clay
- ball of snow
- ball of earth
- ball of fortune
- ball of fire
- ball of the eye
- ball of the knee
- ball of the thumb
- bal of the foot
- powder and ball
- play ball
- roll a ball
- walk on the balls of the feet
- balance on a ball
- bat a ball
- start the ball rolling
- take up the ball
- keep the ball rolling
- carry the ball
- strike a ball
- catch a ball
- drop a ball
- hit a ball
- kick a ball about
- pick up a ball
- strike the ball under the line
- catch the ball before the bound
- kick the ball about
- strike a ball with a racket
- meet the ball
- shoot a ball
- stop a ball with one's head
- cut the ball
- return the ball
- pass the ball
- get the ball away from smb
- kick the ball off
- kick the ball into play
- place the ball in midfield
- play ball with smb
- shoot the ball into one's own goal
- have the ball at one's feet
- hit the ball
- shape meat into a ball
- crush a piece of paper
- struggle for the ball
- rush upon the ball
- seize on the ball
- take a swing at the ball
- curl up in a ball
- keep one's eyes on the ball
- follow the ball with one's eyes
- ball rolls
- ball is out of the play
- ball starts rolling

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Смотреть что такое "ball" в других словарях:

  • Ball — (b[add]l), n. [OE. bal, balle; akin to OHG. balla, palla, G. ball, Icel. b[ o]llr, ball; cf. F. balle. Cf. 1st {Bale}, n., {Pallmall}.] 1. Any round or roundish body or mass; a sphere or globe; as, a ball of twine; a ball of snow. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ball — Ⅰ. ball [1] ► NOUN 1) a solid or hollow sphere, especially one that is kicked, thrown, or hit in a game. 2) a single throw or kick of the ball in a game. 3) N. Amer. a game played with a ball, especially baseball. ► VERB ▪ squeeze or form into a… …   English terms dictionary

  • ball — ball; ball·er; ball·ing; ball·iz·ing; base·ball; bee·ball; em·ball; high·ball·er; knuck·le·ball·er; spit·ball·er; bucky·ball; foos·ball; scuzz·ball; track·ball; …   English syllables

  • Ball — Ball. Ein gesellschaftlicher Tanzverein. Man leitet diesen Ausdruck von dem italienischen ballare tanzen, ballo Tanzgesellschaft, und dem französischen bal ab, was allerdings wahrscheinlicher ist als die Erklärung Nachtigall s, (in seinen… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • ball — ball1 [bôl] n. [ME bal < OE * beallu < IE base * bhel , to swell > BOWL1, BLADDER, ON bǫllr, OHG balla, Gr phallos, L follis & flare] 1. any round, or spherical, object; sphere; globe 2. a planet or star, esp. the earth …   English World dictionary

  • BALL — (Biochemical Algorithms Library) is a C++ library containing common algorithms used in biochemistry and bioinformatics. The library also has Python bindings. Among the supported systems are Linux, Solaris, Microsoft Windows. The library can be… …   Wikipedia

  • Ball — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término ball puede hacer referencia a: Ball, el primer juego de Game Watch. bola mala, expresión utilizada en béisbol. la abreviatura botánica para John Ball. Ball, un álbum de la banda Iron Butterfly. Obtenido de …   Wikipedia Español

  • BALL (J.) — BALL JOHN (mort en 1381) La plupart des chroniques, dont celle de Froissart, présentent John Ball comme l’un des grands responsables du soulèvement des paysans et des artisans en Angleterre en 1381. Peut être, disciple de John Wyclif, aurait il… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ball — Ball: Ball   общепринятое сокращение (обозначение) имени ботаника, которое добавляется к научным (латинским) названиям некоторых таксонов ботанической номенклатуры и указывает на то, что автором этих наименований является Болл, Джон… …   Википедия

  • Ball — Ball, n. [F. bal, fr. OF. baler to dance, fr. LL. ballare. Of uncertain origin; cf. Gr. ba llein to toss or throw, or pa llein, pa llesqai, to leap, bound, balli zein to dance, jump about; or cf. 1st {Ball}, n.] 1. A social assembly for the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ball — Ball, v. t. 1. (Metal.) To heat in a furnace and form into balls for rolling. [1913 Webster] 2. To form or wind into a ball; as, to ball cotton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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